Thursday, July 7, 2011


This is just a person post about me and my husband and how God always has a plan.

I’ve had so many blessing in my life recently I can’t even begin to count them all so I just begin with couple of them which I’m sure will lead to more. First off three months ago I got a new job in which I now only travel 19 miles to work instead of 37 one way. This then leads to less wear and tear on the car, less oil changes and less money on gas!

This then leads to us having more money and paying off debt!!! Oh and I can’t forget more time at home. Also since I now work closer to home which is closer to my college then my last job I’m not driving an hour from work to get to school it’s now only 2 miles from wear I work. No more 100 mile round trips from home to work to school then home!

 Now that I have a little more time on my hands I’ve been able to do a little more around the house each evening instead of just on the weekend. Also this newer job is with a great company who cares about their employees and it’s not a large corporation (J).

I’ve also been in a more positive mood lately since I don’t have all the stress of the last job which is a bonus. Plus I like working in a smaller city versus a large city it’s a more down to earth feeling.

Another blessing which is separate from my new job is getting a tax return which helped us stay afloat while my husband was laid off for 8 weeks. He had worked at his former employer for 5 years and was laid off periodically but always brought back when worked pick-up again.  So we were never too worried but his time they had no contact him at all this time. 

He was found by a local temp agency that found a job the same distance from home as his last job and more money too. The job is only suppose to be 2-4 months but hey it’s beats unemployment and the last temp they told that too was hired and has been there for 5 years so there’s still hope. If not oh well, God always has a plan.

Two weeks after being at this new job we get a letter in the mail proving that he had health insurance at his previous employer. So this was a definite sign that he was not going to be going back.

God has always taken care of us and I’ve never had a doubt in my mind that things were going to somehow always work out for us and they have. I’m thankful that I’ve been taught to rely on Him or I think I may lose my mind sometimes.

Have you had any blessing recently?


  1. God is Awesome! and I thank Him for Your blessings. That is so totally cool, thank you for sharing. BTW, I totally know what you mean about loosing it without God. I will say a prayer for you guys, especially for hubby's work.


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